Our Classes

Enjoy movement and wellbeing classes ranging from Yoga and mindfulness to somatic release and sound healing. Our intent is to become Brentwood Bay’s favourite choice for all things mind, body and soulcraft.

Be sure to pre-register online, as class spaces are limited.

Yoga for the Pelvic Floor

Mondays @ 10:00 AM | 90 mins | Tamara Cleaver

All spots are now fill. Please click below to be added to a waitlist for the next sessions.

Starts Monday, May 6 (no class on May 20) for a 6 week series

In this 6 week, 90 minute therapeutic series we’ll continue to explore the relationship between body, breath, and nervous system and the surrounding areas which help to support the pelvic floor. Through movement, breath work and self compassion, we’ll begin to release, relax, build strength and resilience.

This class is gentle and inclusive, for all bodies wanting to enhance their pelvic floor health. All Levels.

The cost is $120 for the 6 week series (for a savings of $30)

Vinyasa Flow Level 1

Mondays @ 5:30 PM | 60 mins | Eva Fernandez Penedo

No class for Victoria Day May 20 and all of July for summer vacation :)

Join us for an invigorating journey into the fundamentals of Vinyasa yoga. This class is designed for beginners and those seeking a fluid and empowering practice. You will be guided through foundational poses and sequences with mindful attention to breath and alignment.

Through the class I will offer a variety of modifications and adjustments to suit your individual needs, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for your practice. Whether you're new to yoga or looking to refine your skills, this Level 1 Vinyasa Flow class will leave you feeling energized, grounded, and refreshed.

All levels of fitness and experience are welcome. Come and discover the transformative power of Vinyasa yoga as you cultivate strength, flexibility, and mindfulness on and off the mat. All Levels.

Vinyasa Flow Level 2

Mondays @ 7:00 PM | 60 mins | Eva Fernandez Penedo

No class for Victoria Day May 20 and all of July for summer vacation :)

This is an invitation to deepen your practice and challenge your body and mind. Building upon the foundations of Vinyasa Flow, this class offers a dynamic sequence of poses that seamlessly flow together, encouraging you to explore your edge and expand your boundaries. In this intermediate-level class, you'll refine your alignment, and explore more advanced variations of familiar poses. With an emphasis on breath awareness and mindful movement, you'll cultivate greater strength, flexibility, and balance, both on and off the mat.

Whether you're working towards mastering challenging poses or seeking a deeper connection to your practice, this class will empower you to elevate your yoga journey to the next level. Join us as we flow, breathe, and grow together in community. Intermediate Level.

Move ‘n’ Mend

Tuesdays @ 11:45 am | 60 mins | Rachel Houle

A safe and gentle fitness class with a particular focus on accommodating those with arthritic joints, mobility issues, as well as those in various states of pre- or post-rehab and recovery. Designed to enhance overall well-being by incorporating a diverse range of motions movements, improving balance and coordination, enhancing flexibility, and gradually building strength. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your mobility or someone on the path to recovery, “Move ‘n’ Mend offers a supportive and inclusive environment to help you achieve your health and fitness goals while taking into consideration your unique needs and challenges. All Levels.

Somatic Release Yoga

Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm | 60 mins | Karly Atkey

No classes on May 28 & June 4

Come and explore a variety of gentle somatic release movements, guided meditation, and restorative asana (postures) in this nourishing and relaxing class. This can be helpful for tight hips, lower back, and shoulders as well as persistent pain, feelings of sadness, grief, fear, or anxiety, and releasing deeply held trauma. All Levels.

You can find Karly on Instagram @Karly_Loves_Rest for more educational content, upcoming workshops, and specialty classes.

Candlelit Deep Rest + Breath

Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm | 60 mins | Karly Atkey

No classes on May 28 & June 4

Settle in to an hour of deep rest and deep breathing. Using a variety of props, sink into restorative asana (postures) with guided pranayama (breathing exercises) designed to bring you to a state of rest and calm. This can be helpful for those who have very busy lives, demanding careers or family obligations, those who have racing thoughts or anxiety, who may be seeking a sense of peace & calm, and for releasing deeply held trauma. Instructor may offer light scalp or hand massage throughout. As always, any hands-on practices are completely optional and consent-based. All Levels.

You can find Karly on Instagram @Karly_Loves_Rest for more educational content, upcoming workshops, and specialty classes.

Morning Flow Yoga

Wednesdays @ 7:30 AM | 60 mins | Ashley Chipurda

Morning Flow Yoga: In this dynamic class, our focus will be engaged with an energizing sequence to build heat, as we playfully explore our edges and cultivate deep inner strength & stability, followed by yin nourishing movement & postures to integrate.

All Levels.

Morning Flow Yoga

Wednesdays @ 9:00 AM | 60 mins | Ashley Chipurda

Morning Flow Yoga: In this dynamic class, our focus will be engaged with an energizing sequence to build heat, as we playfully explore our edges and cultivate deep inner strength & stability, followed by yin nourishing movement & postures to integrate.

All Levels.

Breathing Into Birth

Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM in May | 75 mins | Tamara Cleaver

Series has started but there are a few drop-in spots available

In this 5 week, 75 minute series deepen your connection with body, breath, heart & baby through this Prenatal Yoga Series. 

Each week we’ll explore a gentle and nourishing movement practice to help support your changing body, soothe your nervous system, bring calm & focus, and lessen fatigue. 

Birthing shapes, breath awareness, guided meditation, pelvic floor health, and childbirth education will be woven through each class, plus whatever is called into our circle- based on what folks are wanting & needing each week.

We value each person’s journey. All levels of practice and all stages of pregnancy are welcome. 

Led by an experienced Doula, Birth Educator, and Registered Yoga Teacher. 

Somatic Release Yoga

Thursdays @ 3:30 pm | 60 mins | Karly Atkey

**New Time**

No classes on May 30 & June 6

Come and explore a variety of gentle somatic release movements, guided meditation, and restorative asana (postures) in this nourishing and relaxing class. This can be helpful for tight hips, lower back, and shoulders as well as persistent pain, feelings of sadness, grief, fear, or anxiety, and releasing deeply held trauma. All Levels.

You can find Karly on Instagram @Karly_Loves_Rest for more educational content, upcoming workshops, and specialty classes.

Hatha Flow

Thursdays @ 5:30 pm | 60 mins | Sara Leslie

Welcome to Hatha Flow. This yoga class unfolds at a traditionally slower pace, offering challenging options to cater to various levels. Sara provides detailed cues, enhancing your experience and promoting learning in each pose and transition. While not easy, the class is thoughtfully designed to foster functional strength and motor control in a skillful way. The emphasis is on training the nervous system to relax, simultaneously cultivating strength and a calm state of mind. All levels.


Saturdays @ 9:30 am | 60 mins | Meg Hollingworth

No class on May 18 & June 15

This class will be a more dynamic class focused on joyful movement. You will be steered through a practice of fluid vinyasa yoga seamlessly blended with smaller, fire-building Pilates routines. Your breath will be your primary guide, supporting you as you flow from yoga asanas while integrating mind to muscle in a more invigorating Pilates series. You will touch on each of the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air and the practice will begin on your mats, moving towards standing series. There will be lively motivating music and the practice will have some variation class-to-class. Should be a bright and enjoyable way to begin your weekend! All Levels.


Saturdays @ 11:00 am | 60 mins | Meg Hollingworth

No class on May 18 & June 15

This Pilates class will be a fun, low impact, but high energy workout. You will connect mind-to-muscle with innovative movements targeted at building physical strength and muscular endurance. This will promote enhanced posture and mobility, and after firing up your core muscles, will leave you feeling energized for the rest of your weekend!

All Levels.

Sound & Breath

Sundays @ 7:00 pm | 75 mins | Catherine Cheong

No Class on Mother’s Day - Sunday, May 12

Join us for an immersive journey of relaxation and rejuvenation in our Sound + Breath wellness class, where we combine the soothing practices of sound healing, and gentle breathwork to help you unwind and find inner stillness after a long day. In our Sound and Breath class, we invite you to release the tensions of the day and reconnect with your Body, Mind, and Spirit. Led by our experienced wellness instructor Catherine Cheong, this class offers a holistic approach to wellness, integrating movement, sound, and breath to create a harmonious experience of deep relaxation and renewal. Harnessing the breath as a tool for transformation, you will learn to regulate your nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety while fostering a deep sense of inner peace. Experience the therapeutic benefits of sound healing as we immerse ourselves in the soothing vibrations of sound bowls, and the power of the voice.

Sound + Breath  is suitable for all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis looking to unwind and restore balance to body and mind. Whether you're seeking relief from the stresses of daily life or simply craving a moment of tranquility, this class offers a sanctuary for relaxation and self-care. All Levels.